Which is the best Legal English Course?
London Legal English School has designed a course for law students and lawyers that will improve your confidence and fluency as well as providing you with a greater knowledge of law in England and Wales. To find out more, please continue to read below about this course.
The best Legal English Course
Schools of English and universities across the world have been running courses in legal English taught by tutors of varying degrees of competence and experience in law for many years. We looked at these courses and talked to students who had taken them to determine what was good and what was not so good about them. Our team then set about designing a course that would provide maximum value to the students. This is what we found makes the best course.
Location, Location, Location
London is the capital of the English language and the centre of the legal world so it was only right that we based the best Legal English course in the greatest city in the world. While the course does tour European cities and can also be taken online, it was felt that London was the right place. This allows course participants to visit The Supreme Court, The Royal Courts of Justice, the Inns of Court and allows us to run the course from a range of prestige venues in the heart of legal London.
There are many EFL teachers who have taken a CELTA or a TEFL qualification and can teach English to a specific standard but very few mix the skills, qualifications and experience to teach Legal English to a world-class level. The Legal English School's Michael Davies is one of the few teachers in the world who has the ability to do this. His feedback from students is consistently excellent, he has taught over 10,000 hours of Legal English to lawyers and legal professionals all over the world and he was the only choice for such an ambitious and exciting language course.
The Legal English Grammar Guide by Michael Davies at Amazon
Content and Schedule
This five-day course consists of four hours of training in Legal English each day. After talking with lawyers, judges and law students we determined that a focus on corporate law and contract law was paramount with supplementary work on the legal system and criminal law. In addition, class participants would work on developing their skills in negotiating, litigating and legal writing as these were essential to a successful career an international law firm.
Five things that great speakers do
Practical Work
When we talked to law firms and lawyers, we discovered that they needed something that would complement the hard work that they were doing in the training room. Lessons of course incorporate role plays, moots, negotiating practice and other interactive exercises but students asked to leave the classroom and learn about London.
Taking this on board, we have added a tour of Legal London to the schedule which includes a private visit to The UK Supreme Court, several Inns of Court and The Royal Courts of Justice. During the week, you will be invited to have lunch with the course tutor and the other students to discuss your progress. One evening, you will attend a networking event with top professionals from across London so that you may practice your Legal English and Business English skills.
The Business English Idioms Course
After the Course
One thing that concerned both The Legal English School and our students was the fact that at 99.9% of language schools, once the course had finished that was it - there was no way to check the progress of your language skills after the course had finished (unless you booked another expensive course). We have changed that by adding four free online lessons via Skype that you can take at any time after the course has finished. Usually, students would pay upwards of £250 for these lessons - but participants on this course get them for free.
If you would like to learn more about the Intensive Legal English Course in London, or you would like us to teach the course at your law firm or corporate legal department then contact us today.