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John Bercow teaches intonation

Our Legal English teachers teach intonation and word stress as a vital part of the curriculum yet other EFL teachers tend not to do this. In this masterclass from John Bercow, we look at how you can teach this.

The former Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow has become an international celebrity for his attempts to keep rowdy British MPs in line during debates. Mr Speaker has inspired memes, caused controversy and appears regularly on television shows actross the globe to discuss his role and the work of Parliament.

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The video below is from an interview that the former Mr Speaker recorded with the famous Irish television chat show “The Late Late Show”, which is broadcast on state broadcaster RTE. In just under a minute, the two people in the video demonstrate pertectly how to communicate with intonation. Watch and learn - and if you need help with intonation and pronunciation lessons, remember to contact us.


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